Sunday, March 25, 2012

Missions, and Scones, and Tea, Oh My!


Last week was Biola University's annual Missions Conference, and the theme was Consume. Let me tell you, the campus was consumed by the passion of God for the lost. Seeing the body of Christ united in such a way is so beautiful.

One particular way the body of Christ united was through supporting Biola's short-term mission teams! Team Cambridge, along with other teams going to Japan, Australia, and beyond, set up tables at the Marketplace, and sold goods to raise prayer and financial support for their trip.

Here's Rebecca and Pearl selling yummy scones and tea for Team Cambridge! 

Our team sign! One town, so many nations!
Sean, Cree, and Andrew dazzled passerby with their musical gifts, as well, but we didn't get a picture of it, sadly. They sounded great, though, and glorified the Lord through their gifts and talents! :)

At the end of three days of fundraising, we had more money than we started with (always a plus!) and more people praying for our team than ever before (even more of a plus!). So, thank you, all, for your thoughts and prayers!

Please be praying that God will really give us wisdom and insight for exactly how He wants to use us in Cambridge this summer. We have a lot of free reign on this trip, and want to take advantage of every moment for the sake of the Gospel.

Thank you! And keep checking back for more updates!

Rebecca :)


Saturday, March 3, 2012

An Introduction


This summer, from June 18th-July 1st, Biola University's Torrey Honors Institute (THI) is partnering with the California School Project (CSP) and Cambridge International Outreach (CIO) in an attempt to have the longest acronym in the world.

We are the THICSPCIO.

Just kidding.

We call ourselves Team Cambridge, and our mission is this: share the Good News of Jesus Christ with the International students who come to Cambridge every summer to learn English. With God's help, we will be able to literally reach the world for Christ from one town.

Cambridge, UK.

Please take a minute to check out the page, "Meet the Team", so that you can learn about each member, and begin to pray for us. If we need anything at all for this trip, we need the boldness of the Holy Spirit and the peace of Christ as we head out on this great adventure for the sake of the Gospel.

This blog will serve as a way for you to keep updated with what we are doing as we plan our trip throughout this semester, and especially what we are doing once we get to Cambridge. We hope and pray that this will be a blessing to all who read it.