Thursday, June 28, 2012

"The International Film Event"

Last night was our big event: a showing of the Jesus Film.

We passed out a bunch of fliers, but had no idea how many would come. We were blown away when 24 international students from Italy, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Japan, China, Germany, Nigeria and Taiwan packed into our room to watch a film about Jesus.
Not only did the students watch the two-hour movie, but most stayed another hour to ask questions. We were able to explain to Muslim students why Jesus, being God, didn't save himself from dying and explain the concept of grace and mercy for the first time to a student from Japan.
Cree explaining the gospel to Michel from Saudi Arabia
Thanks for praying for our big event. Keep the rest of our trip in prayers that we can continue the relationships we've made and take opportunities to share the Good News.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Volleyball and Biblestudy

We have been blessed by the last couple days.

On Monday, we tested out volleyball as a way to talk to people and ended up with a court of people from 4 different countries! In the evening, we attended another international cafe where we played Uno, chatted and joined a discussion on the Gospel of Mark.
Today (Tuesday) was filled with conversations. We decided to dedicate today to inviting students to events and sharing the gospel as we had opportunities. Man did God give us opportunities! Here are some highlights:

  • Sean got to have a long conversation about religion with one of the guys we've played football with the last few days. Answer to prayer!
  • Ben and Laura shared the gospel with Louis who responded by saying, "Who sent you? I was having a rough time and then you showed up!"
  • Pearl and Rebecca ran into some Austrian girls we played frisbee with two days ago. They had diner together and shared about having a personal relationship with God.
There are many more stories, but those will have to do for now. We do want to ask for prayer for tomorrow. We are hosting a screening of the Jesus Film and though we have been inviting people, we have no idea how many will come. Please pray that God will pack out the "theatre" with people who need to meet Jesus.

We know that we can do nothing on our own and so we love having you join with us in prayer to the One who can do all!

Monday, June 25, 2012

A New Week

Last week left us tired.

Friday afternoon, we attended another international cafe. This time we had the opportunity to share the drama we had been practicing all week. The drama was an enactment of the gospel and opened up the door for good follow up questions as we discussed in groups. Some of the students from Japan and Korea had really insightful questions about God and we were happy to answer!
A scene from The Everything Skit we performed
On Saturday we had planned to perform the skit again outdoors in addition to playing music, but Pearl, one of our team members, came down with an ear infection. Instead, we had some much needed down time concluding with a biblestudy with international students on Sunday night.

Now that we've arrived at our second week, we could use lots of prayer for energy and stamina. Please pray:

  • for health and energy for Pearl and the rest of our team.
  • for iCafe, another international cafe we will attend tonight. Pray for many students to attend and that we can share the Good News effectively.
  • for the football game we have scheduled with the guys we played earlier on the trip. Pray for opportunities to share God's truth.
  • for good weather for the game.
Thank you for being on our team!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Day 3: Prayer Walk and The Barn

Today opened our eyes to new ministry in Cambridge.

Praying in front of St. Matthew's Church after
2 hours of  small group prayer walks. 

First, Cree led the team in a meditation and discussion of God’s care for cities and the people in them, and then we split up in 4 teams to 4 corners of Cambridge for a Prayer Walk. We prayed for God to give us insight to the spiritual realities and needs around us, and set out. We walked with our eyes open to pray for people, stopped any time we passed a church or a college to pray for the people there and for God to move powerfully in each place. This was a really eye-opening time to explore the city, with a purpose: as prayer agents, not tourists.

There are hundreds of years of Christians coming before us here; we’re praying for their faithful witness to continue and to grow in this city and in this generation.

All afternoon, we practiced and prepared the skit – Everything – and received confirmation that we’ll perform it on Friday afternoon at an outreach event hosted by a group of Christian students at Cambridge Uni.

And finally, we finished Day 4 by attending ‘The Barn’ – a CafĂ© for international students upstairs at St. Barnabus Church. We had a great time joining this weekly gathering and interacting with students from all corners of the world through conversation, folk dancing, and bible study. Pray especially for Janine and Qing-Qing who are learning about the Christian hope for the first time, and asking great questions. They are coming to the Garden Party on Friday, and we’ll have more opportunities to talk with them all next week.


1. For Janine, Qing-Qing, and many others who are hearing about Christ for the first time.
2. For the Everything Skit: Friday at 5pm at the Compass Cafe outreach event
3. For our Street Performance on Saturday at 3pm in crowded Market Street walking and shopping area. Pray that people listen and are challenged.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Day 2: Ministry Begins

This was a full day.

After a morning of drama rehearsal and other planning, we headed out to Parker's Piece (a local park) to test out our sports ministry ideas.
A few of the girls after a game of ultimate with international students
Praise the Lord! Our "test" turned into a 4-hour game of football (soccer in America), some chatting with the local guys who joined and a potential rematch in a couple days. We pray that these newly-formed friendships will lead to conversation about the Gospel.
Team Cambridge guys with new friends
While the game was going on, some of the team spread out across the field, using surveys to start conversations about God. Many of these conversations were frustrating because so few British students were interested in talking about spiritual things. International students were more open to talking, but most of us left with a sense of sadness for the lostness of those we met. For instance, we asked one student if he was interested in hearing what Christians believe and he replied that he was "27 and set in his ways." Another man we spoke with was willing to share his beliefs in Hinduism and accepting of other religions, but unable to dialogue about what is truth.

We feel we've had a taste of what people believe and our hearts break for those who don't have hope in Christ. Keep praying with us:
  • that God would pour out his Spirit in Cambridge and defeat the spiritual apathy here.
  • for continued wisdom in our ministry plans.
  • that God would bring many international students to the Christian cafe that is going on tomorrow (Thursday) night.
Your prayers are important to us and powerful in the ministry we are doing--even on the other side of the world!

Team Cambridge

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

We're Here!

After many combined hours of transportation, Team Cambridge has arrived in the same place for the first time ever: in Cambridge, UK.
Our first day consisted of brainstorming and delegating ministry plans, orienting ourselves to the stunning city of Cambridge, and rehearsing the drama we'll be performing.
The ministry ahead of us still feels like a daunting task and we could use all the prayers we can get! For tomorrow (Wednesday), pray specifically for the following requests:
  • We are trying out for the first time our "sports ministry." Pray that God will open doors for good conversations with people we play with.
  • It is the first time witnessing for some of us. Pray for boldness is proclaiming the gospel while at the same time cultural discernment so that we may know what to say when.
  • We are still finalizing our schedule. Pray for wisdom as we plan out the next week and a half.
We are grateful for your partnership with us and will keep you posted!
Team Cambridge, signing off...

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Pre-Flight Meditation (And Lots of Numbers)

It still doesn’t feel real.

Terminal 3, Gate 41. Flight 136 from LAX to London Heathrow, to arrive at 14:15 Greenwich Mean Time.

14:15. That isn’t even a real hour.

I am alone but not lonely, isolated and surrounded on every side by saints that number the stars, the millions who have gone before me into strange and distant lands in pursuit of a calling. In pursuit of a purpose.

Already it is hard to remember all that I am leaving behind. I had a conversation some months ago with a like-minded friend, lamenting the hundreds of distractions that assail us each day and prevent us from being wholly devoted to holiness. This is the luxury of a Missions trip abroad: those distractions are suddenly 5412.52 miles away. Convert that to metric, and you have 8710.37 kilometers. I figure that’s about one kilometer for every distraction.

Goodbye work, goodbye phone, goodbye car, goodbye home.
Goodbye family, goodbye friends, goodbye ocean, goodbye trends.
Goodbye heartache, goodbye strife, goodbye comfort, goodbye life.

Between Dana Point and Cambridge, God is the only constant.

My suitcase weighs 52.4 pounds. That’s 2.4 pounds over the limit, but they let it pass. They extra weight? One black leather-bound ESV Journaling Bible. God’s sticking with me, even if he has to break a few rules along the way.  

To America, with Love,
Andrew Sears